Shail Patel: Saggy Boi's Programmer
Who We Are: Killer Kolas
Our Wumpus World
The Wumpus world problem is a four by four grid of squares. Each square contains is either empty or contains a pile of gold, a number of pits, or the fearsome Wumpus; no square contains more than one item nor can the items change locations. The robot starts in the lower left corner square facing up, and the goal is to find the gold and return to the starting square, without running into the Wumpus or a pit. The robot has one arrow with which it can shoot and kill the Wumpus, and all layouts of the Wumpus world problem can be solved without random guessing.
When the robot is adjacent to the Wumpus, it smells a horrible odor. When the robot is adjacent to a pit, it feels a breeze. When the robot is adjacent to the pile of gold, it sees glitter. If the robot is adjacent to multiple items, it detects all of the relevant sensory inputs, and being adjacent to multiple pits simultaneously still emits the same feeling as if the robot was only adjacent to one. When the Wumpus is killed, the square it resided in becomes empty and the smell in the adjacent squares dissipates.

Celia Chen: Saggy Boi's Builder/Temporary MechE
Karen Mu: Saggy Boi's Builder/Attempted MechE

Shail was the programmer on the team and came up with the algorithm. He had been programming for 4 years before the start of the project, mainly working with computer vision for robotics. He mainly focused on getting Saggy Boi to move, and then later (attempt) to solve the puzzle towards the end of the project.

Celia has a few years of coding experience, but had somewhat of a two year hiatus from it and was ultimately better off dealing with the physical building process. While she may have been cold towards Saggy Boi initially, his charm and grace eventually won her over somewhere around the third rebuild. While having zero experience building Lego robots, her many hours of Lego Dimensions proved useful for figuring out how pieces worked together. Also, she added the wings.
Karen has been coding for around four months as of the launch of this project, so due to her rudimentary skills in programming, was put in charge of the website. Also, she arguably loved Saggy Boi the most out of all the members of the team, and although having zero experience in lego building, did her ultimate best to ensure the robot looked nice ,stable, capable of moving, and saggy.
Example Wumpus World Board