Today, my group was presented with the kit to build me! In non-robot language, that means that my creators were just presented today with all the parts that comprise of me. I come from a kit called Lego Mindstorms EV3, which basically means I have the potential to be a smart and moving robot. However, how smart I am depends on our programmer Shail, and how well I can move depends on my builders, Karen and Celia. My name is Saggy Boi, but I do not know that yet. My builders are focused on building me a solid base, and are currently very indecisive as to how I should move. They keep on switching their minds between tracks and wheels! Personally, I like the tracks, since it makes me look cooler. Don't tell them this, but I think they're kind of confused (as you can tell by the pictures) on how to build me, but I'm positive I'll look like a robot soon. My programmer named Shail is currently getting his laptop set up and ready to go to program me to be smart. I’ll be thinking in a language called C, which I think is pretty cool!
