Okay so remember when I said I would take a break? I meant like a 4 day break, not a 2 day one. Shail decided to come back today without Celia and Karen and told me a lot of things and taught me a lot of other things. For starters, he finally made me do a figure 8, and after I finished it, he looked very happy, but I was very tired. I was tired since before that, he kept on making me move a lot and in weird ways. He told me he was analyzing my moves to figure out the movement. Sounded like rubbish, but I believed him. He then taught me how to read command from the terminal, which was really hard but also really rewarding. He told me I needed to know how to do that in order to perform well in a few days. He also told me that the cognitive algorithm was finished, he just had to clear up a few things and then he promised he would tell me everything. I would tell you all that happened, but I would just say it to you all in C, and I heard that’s not allowed. Shail also worked with me in writing helper data structures in C that would really help my movement and navigation. He said that the helper data structures were things like stack, queue, and hash table. I understand none of it but I know it will help me when I perform, so again, I listened to him. He left me after a few hours, and I’ll see him and Karen and Celia soon I believe. He told me to look at this picture of a koala to help me relax. This koala cheered me up and really lifted my Saggy Boi spirits up. I'll show you all the picture as well.

I need around 3 days of charging in order to digest all the information Shail told me. Good night you all, Saggy Boi is having growing pains...