Today’s weekly encounter with my team was much less exciting than last week’s. Today, I have a moderately stable base with two motors, one on each side. On the topic of motors, my feet as of now, are tracks, which I’m pretty happy with since I think it makes me look cool! On a less happier note, my base is very long and not as stable as I would like it to be, which concerns me. I however, do have a new addition to my body. In my back, I have a small ball that touches the floor attached to me. The ball resembles a large marble, which I think is pretty cool. This ball helps me balance, but it does make my body sag a little low when someone puts pressure on me. My team thinks that this marble ball can later be used for turning me when I start moving, but at this point I don’t care too much about moving; I like staying stationary. Meanwhile, Shail is writing out ways on how I should think - isn’t that exciting! The way I have to “think” and eventually move around in a place called “Wumpus” is called a “cognitive algorithm”. I’m not too sure on what that means yet, but that’s okay. Shail also is learning C, which I think is super cool, so now that means that hopefully by next week someone will be able to talk to me and tell me what to do and how to think! I can’t wait until the next time I can meet my team again..
