HELLO ALL WHO READ THIS. I AM NOT HAPPY. UPDATE SOMEONE PLEASE SOUND THE ALARM BECAUSE I AM NOT HAPPY. I don’t even want to talk about what happened today. Just look at these pictures and cry with me. Are you done looking? Have you noticed that my tracks are gone? And that I have wheels now? I look like I’m one day old and last time I checked I’m three days old. Why is my team trying to make me look infantile? No one knows. Well, I should sort of stop being dramatic. Today wasn’t that bad after all. For starters, I finally have a name! My name is Saggy Boi, and my team named me, and I think that my name is super cool! It was only then that they decided to strip me of my identity by taking my tracks off. But I should stop dwelling in the past, I heard that’s not good. I’ll be a good Saggy Boi and tell you all what else happened to me. Celia and Karen changed the position and structure of my marble in the back, which annoyed me at first since the process seemed to have take forever, but I’m very stable and can walk with the help of Karen! Celia helps me walk too, but Karen seems to enjoy walking me more than Celia does. My marble in the back does however, greatly concern me. As you can tell by the pictures, there are so many pieces to it, all of which basically rely on two small sturdy rods to hold my balance. On many occasions I have lost my balance and started sagging to the floor since the two rods gave out. I really hope my team can fix this issue and make me more stable, for I do not like being concerned. Also, almost forgot to tell you all, I got eyes today! Shail helped me see some of the floor with them, and boy is the floor a cool place. He calls my eyes “input sensors”, but I call them eyes since they help me see. He appeared to be very interested in how much light I was seeing and was trying to figure out how much light I saw when I saw the color white. No clue why he was doing that, maybe I’ll learn later. Shail also wrote me instructions on how to communicate with him, which I’m actually super excited about since that means I can talk to him in C next week! In people language that means he wrote a program to send and receive commands from me, but all I know is that soon I can maybe hold a conversation with him? Who knows, I’m just really excited for next week, - I think big things will be happening...
